Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker and renowned paranormal investigator Chad Calek (American Ghost Hunter, Paranormal State, Sir Noface) shares countless harrowing stories about the intense events he’s witnessed throughout his 25-year investigative career, which Calek has taken part in over 500 paranormal investigations into claims of not only ghost encounters, poltergeist activity, and alleged demonic possession, but also cases involving UFO sightings, cryptid attacks (such as the Jersey Devil), superhuman ability (psychokinesis) and much more. In addition, Calek also shares impactful stories about his personal life, which often include stories about his fascinating relationship with his wife, the impact of his recently deceased father who passed away under mysterious circumstances, Calek’s unlikely journey from small-town Iowa to Hollywood, and the harsh truths about what it takes to be a success in the Hollywood film and television industry. And last, but not least, in addition to answering questions from podcast listeners and responding to fan-submitted paranormal evidence videos, Calek regularly shares his views on current events that involve the bizarre, the mysterious, and the unexplained.
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
In this special Episode #183 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, Chad Calek discusses DANIEL DAVID SKYFALL, The Tattoo-Faced Man, Two Face: The Grey and much more during his January 5th, 2019, guest appearance on the legendary COAST TO COAST AM radio show with host Jimmy Church. Now nearly four years since this interview, and six years since SKYFALL first contacted Calek, it’s shocking to hear just how accurately Calek's TWO FACE: THE GREY documentary has aged, as SKYFALL’s predictions continue to eerily come true! You do not want to miss this very special AGH Vault episode!
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
In episode #182 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, in the most personal podcast he’s ever recorded, for the first time ever, Chad Calek reveals what happened to him on Nov. 18th, 2022, that caused his 67-day hospitalization, which included 14 days in "critical condition”, five total surgeries and a 10-month recovery effort. In addition, Calek discusses why he believes his father”s advice from beyond the grave was instrumental in saving his life. You do not want to miss this episode!
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
In episode #181 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, Chad Calek discusses the reliability of the latest alien reports and news stories, including the extraterrestrial mummies displayed in Mexican Congress, the viral Las Vegas "backyard alien" footage, the alleged ongoing alien attacks in Peru, NASA’s long awaited UAP report and much, much more! Do not miss this episode!
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
In episode #180 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, Chad Calek gives candid answers to your questions about Jeremy Corbell’s now debunked UFO footage, UFO Whistleblower David Grusch’s leaked medical history, Calek's time as a guest on such programs as Tyra Banks, Jim Norton and Sam Roberts, The Fighter And The Kid, Danny Mullen, Coast to Coast and more, plus Calek answers your questions about the ending of Paranormal State and the chances of a Paranormal State reunion. Don’t miss all of this and much, much more!
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
In episode #179 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, Chad Calek discusses the controversy surrounding the movie The Sound of Freedom, starring Jim Caviezel, and the mystery behind Hollywood’s bizarre refusal to distribute the film, despite its theatrical success and positive message. In addition, Calek discusses countless strange stories he’s heard during his time working in Los Angeles and why the “Hollywood Vampires” have good reason to fear Mel Gibson and Ashton Kutcher’s recent announcement that in support of The Sound of Freedom, they will be co-producing a project the will expose Hollywood’s darkest secrets! You do not want to miss this episode!
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
In episode #178 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, Chad Calek shares his thoughts on journalist George Knapp and documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell’s recent attempts to sell the tall tales of UFO whistleblower David Grusch to the world as “fact” without any proof that Grusch’s claims are real. Calek also discusses the recent investigation by journalist Steven Greenstreet that exposed the sketchy origins of AATIP, as well as the questionable history of Skinwalker Ranch, Knapp, Cornell, Lou Elizondo, Chris Mellon and their connection to Grusch, while also exposing the inaccurate reporting within the now-famous UFO story that originally appeared in the New York Times! All of this and much, much more! You do not want to miss this episode!
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
In episode #177 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, Chad Calek discusses his hospitalization and the recovery process, as well as his thoughts on the congressional hearing on UFOs. in addition, Calek also discusses his latest contact with Daniel David Skyfall, while also sharing Skyfall's most recent prediction. You do not want to miss this episode!
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
On this Halloween Episode #176 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, Chad Calek discusses his past experiences on demonic possession cases, what he believed are "signs" of possession, how people become possessed, his most terrifying moments while documenting past possession cases and much more. In addition, Calek discusses the recent unnerving Soft White Underbelly interview footage of a terrifying man named "Victor", and why Calek believes he shows signs of demonic possession. You DO NOT want to miss this episode!
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
In episode #175 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, Chad Calek discusses NASA scrambling to explain the UFO that was filmed for just over seven minutes by cameras on board the International Space Station, as well as the recent surge in pilots coming forward with claims and footage of U.F.O. and U.A.P. encounters. In addition, Calek talks about the recent mysterious rocket blast that hit the moon, creating two massive craters, in which all major countries have denied having any involvement in such a mission, or that any part of their rockets could have struck the moon and created the craters. And lastly, with all of these events ramping up at once, including appearances in the news by congressmen demanding transparency, is the potential for a "fake alien invasion" more likely now than ever before? Are all these events connected to each other or independent? Calek discusses all of this and more on episode 175 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST! You do NOT want to miss this episode!
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
In Episode #123 of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, by popular request, Chad Calek takes you behind the scenes of another Paranormal State episode... the investigation of the allegedly haunted Conneaut Lake Hotel. As you will see, like most episodes of Paranormal State, the story of filming the investigation itself was just as fascinating, if not more fascinating, than the televised episode that made it to air. And Conneaut Lake was no different, as Calek arrived on set to rumors that a polygraph may be unexpectedly sprung on cast members while filming to determine their honesty and integrity during past episodes. Needless to say, you DO NOT want to miss this episode!
Simply put, regardless of the medium... I love a good story.
Whether it's delivered in a documentary, a poem, a song or embedded within an episode of the IN A CROWDED ROOM PODCAST, if shared with passion, color an honesty by enough people who were touched by its parable, a story can become "more".
And at the peak of its ability, a great story can do more than just captivate. Even if for a brief time, it can provide you with an escape.
To be there for you, which is you being there for me.